
star trek ship designer game

Welcome to our Star Trek Fleet Command ships overview. In this article will talk about the different ship classes, upgrades, their strengths, and weaknesses, and will also explain the advantage/disadvantage that different ship classes have when facing each other. Also, at the end of this article, we have included several tables that contain module upgrade requirements for Star Trek Fleet Command ships.

At the start of Star Trek Fleet Command game, you'll have only one ship – Realta that belongs to the Explorer class, so we'll start with classes. Star Trek Fleet Command ships belong to one of the four classes:

  • Explorer
  • Interceptor
  • Battleship
  • Survey Ships

Explorer, Interceptor, and Battleship are combat ships, while Survey ships are used for mining. Surveys do not gain any bonuses nor do they suffer penalties when faced with other ships. The other three ship classes function by Rock, Paper, Scissor principle where:

  • Explorers have an advantage vs Interceptors
  • Interceptors have an advantage vs Battleships
  • Battleships have an advantage vs Explorers

Advantage (in general) means that if two ships of similar power (+/- 10%) engage in battle the class that has the advantage over the other wins. In other words, if Battleship that has 10,000 power encounters an interceptor that has 9,500 power, the interceptor will likely win even though it has a slightly lower power rating.

Star Trek Fleet Command Ship Classes

Phindra Interceptor Star Trek Fleet Command
Phindra – Interceptor class

1. Interceptor Class

Main Stats:
  • High Attack
  • High Armor Pierce
  • High Dodge

Phindra (your first Interceptor) has two attacks per round, that will activate every odd-numbered round but will skip the attack completely every even-numbered round. For example Round 1: 2 Attacks, Round 2: No attacks, Round 3: 2 Attacks, Round 4: No attacks, etc.

Advantage  vs Battleships:

In Star Trek Fleet Command ships that belong to the Interceptor class are extremely agile but have a low armor and shield deflection, so their main defense comes from a high dodge stat – which is countered by accuracy, and it's one the lowest battleship stats. On the offensive side, high armor pierce ensures that they're able to defeat the main defense of battleship class (high armor stat). Attack, Critical Chance/Damage, Armor Pierce and Dodge should be maximized – Interceptors won't do very well in prolonged battles but are perfect if you're able to take out the opponent in 5 (or better yet 3) rounds.

In short, Interceptor is able to defeat the main defense of Battleship (Armor Pierce vs Armor) and it's able to avoid most attacks of the Battleship (H igh dodge vs Low accuracy).

Tala Battleship Star Trek Fleet Command
Tala – Battleship class

2. Battleship Class

Main Stats:
  • High Shield Pierce
  • High Armor
  • High Hull Health
Advantage  vs Explorers:

In Star Trek Fleet Command ships that belong to the Battleship class are extremely durable, often able to outlast their opponents. The main defenses of Battleship class come from high armor and hull health. On the offensive side, high shield pierce stat, which enables them to defeat the main defense of the explorer class (high shield deflection). Maximizing Armor and Hull Health (through officers) will provide the best results – the longer the battle lasts the better.

In short, Battleship can defeat the main defense of explorers (high shield pierce vs shield deflection) and it's able to avoid most attacks of the Explorers (H igh armor vs Low armor pierce).

Turas Explorer Star Trek Fleet Command
Turas – Explorer class

3. Explorer Class

Main Stats:
  • High Accuracy
  • High Shield Deflection
  • High Shield Health
Advantage  vs Interceptors:

In Star Trek Fleet Command ships that belong to the Explorer class are mid-ground of other two classes – not as squishy as Interceptors but not as durable as Battleships. The main defenses of this ship class are their high shield deflection and shield health stats. On the offensive side, explorers don't deal impressive amounts of damage, however, their extremely high accuracy enables them to overcome high dodge value of interceptor class ships. In Star Trek Fleet Command ship officers of the Explorer class should be the ones that improve Accuracy, Shield Deflection, and Shield Health.

In short, Explorers can defeat the main defense of interceptors (high accuracy vs dodge),and it's able to avoid most attacks of the Interceptors (High shield deflection vs Low shield pierce)

Survey Class Star trek Fleet Command
ESC Fortunate – Survey Class

4. Survey Class

In Star Trek Fleet Command ships that belong to Survey class are primarily used for mining. They have a mining speed bonus, which means that they will generate resources faster than other ships. One advantage of this type of ships is a huge cargo capacity, which is much higher than any other class. They can be used to take a large quantity of resources from the enemy base, once defenses (ships and defense platforms) have been taken out.

Star Trek Fleet Command Ship Upgrades and Leveling

The Power Rating of your ships can be increased by:

  1. Leveling up
  2. Upgrading ship modules
  3. Tier Up

1. Leveling Up

You can level up your ship by directly participating in battle and gaining XP. The other way is by using Ship XP. Either way, the maximum Ship level is 5 and will increase by 5 every time you Tier up a ship.

2. Upgrading Ship Modules

Upgrading modules of your first few ships will require a certain amount of Tritanium and ship parts. Every ship class requires the corresponding type of parts, so we have: Explorer, Interceptor, Battleship and Survey parts.

Besides ship parts, upgrading modules will require Tritanium and/or Dilithium, while more powerful Star Trek Fleet Command ships will also require Grade 2 (or 3) rare resources (Crystal, Gas, Ore).

How to get ship parts?

You can acquire ship parts by destroying enemy ships (both in PvE and PvP) and by completing Missions and Daily Tasks.

3. Ship Tier up

In order to Tier Up a ship, you first have to upgrade all ship modules to MK2. Once that's done you can upgrade your ship to Tier 2 – it won't cost any resources, but will take some time. The main benefit of raising a ship Tier is an increase in maximum level by +5 and an increase in bonus from special ability. Besides that, cargo capacity and protected cargo will be significantly increased.

How to get more powerful ships

In order to unlock and build more powerful Star Trek Fleet Command ships, few requirements must be fulfilled. Unlocking a ship can be done in two ways: through research (this is how you'll unlock your first few ships) or by collecting a certain number of ship blueprints. To build a ship, once it's unlocked, you'll also need a shipyard of an appropriate level – inside shipyard building, tap details button to view requirements for each ship.

Getting Schematics

Blueprints can be obtained by completing Missions and Events – this is great if you manage to collect enough blueprints for Jelly Fish because it's really powerful for an early-mid game ship. You can also get schematics by destroying ships of other players in PvP.

Star Trek Fleet Command Module Upgrade Tables

Click on the plus sign on the table to view module upgrade information for the desired ship.

Phindra Interceptor Star Trek Fleet Command

Class: Grade 1 Explorer

Special Ability: Enhanced Shield (+10 maximum shield health)


NOTE: Realta is your first basic ship that can be upgraded in a day, so we decided to skip it.

Star Trek Fleet Command Ships Orion Corvette
Orion Corvette

Class: Grade 1 Battleship

Special Ability: Enhanced Hull (+10 Hull Health bonus at Tier 1, +110 at Tier 4)

Weapons: 2x Plasma Cannon [Energy]

Requires Grade 1 Battleship parts.

Star Trek Fleet Command Orion Corvette Module Upgrades

Star Trek Fleet Command Ships ESC Fortunate
ECS Fortunate

Class: Grade 1 Survey Ship

Special Ability: Parsteel Mining Laser (+15% mining rate of Parsteel at Tier 1, +40% at Tier 4)

Weapons: 1x Mining Laser

Requires Grade 1 Survey parts.

Star Trek Fleet Command ESC Fortunate Module Upgrades

Star Trek Fleet Command Ships Phindra

Class: Grade 2 Interceptor

Special Ability: Battleship Hunter (+10% damage vs Battleships at Tier 1, +29% at Tier 4)

Weapons: 2x Photonic Torpedoes [Kinetic]

Requires Grade 2 Interceptor parts.

Star Trek Fleet Command Phindra Module Upgrades

Star Trek Fleet Command Ships Turas

Class: Grade 2 Explorer

Special Ability: Interceptor Hunter (+10% damage vs Interceptors at Tier 1, +29% at Tier 4)

Weapons: 2x Phaser Turret [Energy]

Requires Grade 2 Explorer parts.

Star Trek Fleet Command Turas Module Upgrades

Star Trek Fleet Command Talla

Class: Grade 2 Battleship

Special Ability: Explorer Hunter (+10% damage vs Interceptors at Tier 1, +29% at Tier 4)

Weapons: 2x Phaser Cannon [Energy]

Requires Grade 2 Battleship parts.

Star Trek Fleet Command Talla Module Upgrades

We hope that you enjoyed reading about Star Trek Fleet Command Ships. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to post a comment as we greatly appreciate any feedback from our readers.

star trek ship designer game


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