
best anime quora

Sites lIke Reddit

Reddit is the most popular place on the internet for discovering what's new happening on the Internet. It's fast, always updated and certainly defines its tagline 'front page of the Internet'. From Internet world to technology sector, entertainment, cool inventions, politics and the most celebrated AMAs of famous personalities is what drives Reddit a huge audience. Also, being anonymous helps everyone have free discussions on hundreds of different topics. It offers an open platform for everyone to participate and talk about different things, share their views on different topics, etc. However, recently Reddit has been on a decline and many users are leaving the service for various reasons. All these users are looking for different websites like Reddit where they can start having similar discussions to quench their thirst for healthy discussions.

Below are 9 Reddit Alternatives that every Redditor should know:

1. Voat


Voat has been out there for slightly over a year now. It's one of the most popular Reddit alternatives and clones out there. Voat has the same user interface as Reddit and if you're a long time Redditor then you will feel right at home when using Voat. There are just small differences between the two sites, just like Reddit uses subreddits for different stuff, Voat uses subverses for similar stuff. Everything where Reddit has an "r", Voat plasters a "v" and considers it original.

Voat has been very lenient than Reddit. Reddit has been going hard on different hate based subreddits and banning them every now and then, however, Voat has claimed that you can post almost anything that's not illegal. You can even get paid to post quality content on Voat by taking part in the partner program.

2. Quora


Quora is more of a Yahoo! Answers rival than Reddit but it has been a great place for intelligent conversations that have sprouted from just a simple question. Quora lets its users ask questions on the site and other users can answer those questions if they feel they have an idea about the topic. You can either keep asking questions and have them answered by experts or you can write the answers yourself if you know a lot about the topic. Just select what topics you're interested in and you will receive all the questions and queries related to the topic, you can then choose to answer as many as you want. Answering questions will increase your expert level on the community. You can follow other experts and have other follow you as well. Quora gives you an entire community where you can have intelligent and healthy discussions with your peers without having to deal with any spammy posts.

3. 4Chan


One of the most popular communities out there. 4Chan is an imageboard that lets its users post images on their favorite boards and post comments on other people's shares as well. Anyone and everyone can share their images and post comments on their favorite boards without needing an account at all. You can participate in your favorite communities without having to register an account. 4Chan has different boards for everything you can think of that include but not limited to, music, video games, movies, technology, Japanese anime, etc. The board also has an adult section where all the NSFW pictures and stuff is posted for the adults. You can post anything anonymously by using any name you want when publishing your content.

4. Hacker News (Y Combinator)

Y Combinator

Hacker News  is the most simple and straightforward news aggregation site you will ever see on the internet. There are no flashy signs, no side bars, and no widgets at all. All you get is simple news from around the world related to technology. All the news that caters to hackers, tech enthusiasts, geeks, Entrepreneurs, and Startups enthusiasts is available on the News Y Combinator channel. The popularity of the news item is judged by the points. Each user can upvote a news story to grant it a point and take it up on the table. The most popular stories with the most points end up at the top of the table. All these news items are sourced from credible publications like The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Each user can submit a story by utilizing the submit button on the top. You need to register an account before you can submit a story, comment on a story or even upvote a story. You can comment on a story to participate in the discussions regarding that certain story and express your opinion regarding that specific matter. News Y Combinator is a place for the hackers, by the hackers.

5. ProductHunt

Product Hunt

Product Hunt is exactly what its name implies, it's the hunt for the perfect products available in the market. From the latest and greatest in tech to the most amazing games, Product Hunt delivers the best of everything. You can get a list of great products that include, best websites designs, top mobile apps, the hottest games, and much more in the technology sector. People can create their own lists and share them with the world. You can comment on other people's creations of create something of your own to share with everyone on the website. People share amazing tech related stuff with everyone in the community, so everyone can jump in and give their opinion regarding the tech in question. If you want to discover something new, be it a mobile app or just a simple game then Product Hunt is the perfect place for you to hunt for the next big thing in the tech space.

6. StumbleUpon


If it's discovering the latest and greatest stuff on the internet that you seek then nothing beats StumbleUpon because it's the best website to find amazing stuff submitted by different people from around the world. StumbleUpon helps you actually stumble upon (no pun intended) some amazing content provided by different users. Users submit different news, stories, discoveries, etc on the site and all the submitted content is shown to the stumblers. You start exploring by clicking the explore button and your journey for discovering amazing things starts. You can then keep stumbling, like/dislike content, save the page, or share a page with anyone on the web. Keep stumbling until you find something interesting that's the motto of this amazing service.

7. NewsVine


If your main goal is to get the latest news from around the web in one single place then NewsVine is going to be your favorite place to visit. NewsVine is a crowdsourced news source where the best and latest news stories from around the world are submitted by its users. The website also syndicates news stories from credible and popular sources such as The Associated Press, etc. Thousands of users are submitting interesting news stories and reports from around the web to this service. Most popular stories end up on the front page of the site where they are seen by millions of users who frequently visit the site. You can have discussions with other users by creating different nations around your interests. You can also write your own articles or submit news stories from other publications that you deem fit for the website.

8. Slashdot


We have not forgotten about the geeks out there. If you want to get the latest technology news out there then you better bookmark Slashdot on your browser. Slashdot  offers the latest technology news from thousands of sources, however, finding each news and reading it on different websites is a real pain. Slashdot makes it really simple for everyone to get the latest news. You can just visit this single site and get all the technology news from hundred different sources right on the front page. You can then take part in the discussions and comments to tell everyone what you think about the said story.

9. 9Gag


It's not entirely a Reddit competitor but it's definitely the most funny place on the world wide web. 9Gag started as simple website where different users submitted internet memes and funny images just for the laughs, however, recently it has turned into a big community of amazing people. Users have started posting useful things and discussion worthy content that actually starts a lot of discussion in the comment section. Actually the comment section is even more funnier than the actual posts. 9Gag is the perfect place to be if you want to let off some steam and laugh your heart out. 9Gag has added a lot of new sections that cater to people with different interests. There's something for everyone out there.

SEE ALSO: 40 Cool And Interesting Websites

All these Reddit like sites are the perfect alternatives and if you are really looking for something new then these sites will definitely come in handy. If you have any other sites that are similar to Reddit then don't forget to let us know in the comments below.

best anime quora


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